The mother of the “Super-Continents” named Pangea accounts for the existing continents and their shapes, except for a large triangular area between the super continents of “Laurasia” and “Gandwanaland”.
Scientists postulated "Continental Drift" to explain the similarities between different continents including their pockets of identical species and geology. Although the theory is far from complete and not without its conundrums it does provide a kind of framework for understanding the developing earth into the state that it is in today.
The Missing Triangle from Pangea however is not explained by “Continental Drift” or any other existing scientific theory. It has however been accounted for in the history of Oahspe and is the ancient continent of Pan, now submerged under the Pacific Ocean.
Beginning in the 19th century, the investigations of researchers from various backgrounds, scientific, archaeological, socio-cultural and spiritist saw the crystalizing and dissolution of theories around the subject of a lost continent, creating impetus for further understanding on all sides.
Lemuria was first theorized to have been in the Indian Ocean by Phillip Schlater in the 1860-70's to account for the existence of Lemurs and similarities in geological features in distant places from Africa, India, The Malaya Peninsular and Madagascar.
Surviving historical and mythical references to an ancient sunken land in various cultures were referred to by 19th century investigators such as Brasseur who, in 1864, coined the name “Mu” by using two symbols "M" and "U" from a Mayan manuscript (later disregarded by scholars studying Mayan hieroglyphs) to come up with the name of a lost continent. It seems a coincidence that Lemuria has the syllable of Mu in it, given the diverse origins of each name, in any case the names became interchangeable.
In 1888 Blavatsky, in her book "The Secret Doctine", also postulated the existence of Lemuria which she claimed was revealed to her by the mahatmas and the "Book of Dzyen". This also included the existence of Atlantis, which was supposed to have been a peninsula of Lemuria that extended from the Indian Ocean into the Atlantic Ocean. According to her, Atlantis was supposed to have not sunk until many thousands of years after Lemuria.
The first references to Lemuria or Mu being located in the Pacific only came much later, Churchward articulated the Pacific location in 1928 and published, in 1931, "The Lost Continent of Mu".
Churchward's account is similar to Blavastky's in many respects––the partial sinking of the continent and the later sinking of the remainder (See below for details). Churchward locates Mu in the South Pacific extending from Fiji, to Hawaii and South Pacific Islands, and in his version, there were no mountains in Lemuria. Oahspe however was clear about the mountains of Pan, especially to the north where Japan remained. The map of Pan in Oahspe indicates mountains in places where there are now islands (note the Hawaii Islands and undersea ridges are drawn on the map of Pan as mountain ridges, see other articles on Pan, the submerged continent in the index).
This, of course, again, shows that Oahspe independently revealed, for the first time in 1882, substantial facts that are only now being proved by modern day technologies such as seismology detecting large quantities of water under the eastern Asian land mass and discoveries of manmade structures off the coast of Japan.
In 1985, off the Island of Yonaguni, an ancient pyramid structure was discovered and consequently, more structures in the area, as well as tools used to hew the rocks. (See other articles on Pan, the submerged continent in the index)
In response to the 19th century notions of Lemuria to explain similarities in species and geology, scientists declared that a continent cannot be sunk (which would be true if it were only geological forces at work, Oahspe, however, reveals the intervention by ethereans, progressed souls from the unseen etherean worlds beyond the earth's vortex, capable of wielding enough force to sink a continent).
The scientific knowledge today proves that Pan could only have been sunk by other than geological forces. And these forces had to be wielded purposely by intelligent beings with sufficient power, such as the Ethereans which Oahspe describes. The subducted plates and the deep trenches and fracture zones surrounding the triangular shape of the sunken continent and surrounding the area are not yet properly understood by scientists, but do accord with the description of the sinking of the mighty continent. (See Book of Aph extracts below). (Martha Jones' Oahspe Confirmed, available as a free download on the homepage, also has references regarding the available scientific proof of Pan's existence).
OAHSPE, Book of Aph, 3.
||16. Quickly, now, the ships of fire formed in line, extending from
my place down to hada, where rested Neph and his Lords of the earth,
whose hosts extended to all the divisions of land and water,
embracing the various heavenly kingdoms previously built by the
17. And in the line of the etherean ships were stationed the plateaux of rank; and the hosts of Gods and Goddesses took their places according to the rank of wisdom, power and love manifested in the etherean departments whence they came, with the two Orian Chiefs at either extremity.
18. And I (Aph) divided the line into sections, each with two hundred and fifty ships, and there were one thousand sections. And every ship was contracted ten thousand fold, which was the force required to break the crust of the earth and sink a continent.
19. Along the line I stationed sentinels and talisman, and messengers, without number, so that Jehovih's voice and His sons' voices could traverse in a moment of time to every part. And afte that I formed the tube of transit, which extended in front of the ships, and from the earth to beyond Chinvat; and I filled it with the earth's atmosphere to the extreme, where it joined Io'sank, where I determined to deliver the drujas and fetals of such as were to perish in the ocean of the earth.
20. For every ten sections I appointed one hundred marshals and one God, and for every ten Gods one Chief in Emuts; according to their rank in the heavens from where they came, so appointed I them||
2. And the end of the etherean column that extended to Chinvat, on
the border of the vortex of the earth, was made fast by the pressure
of Thy wide heavens.
3. Again I said: In Thy Strength and Wisdom, O Jehovih, join the
heavens above with the earth below!
4. And the end of the etherean column that extended down to the
earth was made fast around the borders of Wagga (Pan), by the sea
and the high mountains on the north.
5. Again I said: O Jehovih, deliver the earth from evil, for Thy
glory, forever!
6. And the vortex of the earth closed in from the extreme, and lo,
the earth was broken! A mighty continent was cut loose from its
fastenings, and the fires of the earth came forth in flames and
clouds with loud roaring. And the land rocked to and fro like a ship
at sea.
7. Again I said: O Jehovih, deliver Thy heavens, which are bound as
with a chain, to a rotten carcass.
||1. And now Aph, Son of Jehovih, said: When the etherean hosts were
arranged in due order, I called out to Thee, O Jehovih, saying: In
Thy Strength and Wisdom, O Father, join the heavens above and the
earth below!
9. And my hosts hastened in all directions with their birth-
blankets, and received the druj and fetals and es'yans in millions
and millions, and gathered them to the place of the fountain of
light, where I had provided atmosphere for them, and they were
placed within. And their numbers were so great that even Gods had
scarce seen the like before; and in order to attest before Thee, O
Jehovih, I had them numbered, using the sections of the divisions of
my Gods and Goddesses in order to do so.||
Below are links and extracts regarding origins of the words "Lemuria" and "Mu":
||References to the lost continent of Mu can be traced back to 1864 and a French archaeologist named Charles-Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg. He had become fascinated by hieroglyphics found on Mayan ruins that dated back several centuries. By the time Spanish explorers had reached the New World areas of Mexico and Central America in the 1500s, the great centers of Mayan civilization had long been abandoned and were being reclaimed by the rainforest. Brasseur traveled to Spain to look at artifacts of Mayan civilization. In a library in Madrid he discovered a purported guide to Mayan hieroglyphics. Using the guide to decipher a rare Mayan manuscript, he learned about an ancient land that had sunk into the ocean after a volcanic eruption. Figures corresponding to letters "M" and "U" were connected with the lost land, and Brasseur determined that the lost continent was named Mu. Using that same guide, however, later scholars were unable to decipher such a story, or to even make sustained and meaningful text from the hieroglyphics. It was not until the mid-twentieth century that a thorough guide to interpreting Mayan hieroglyphics was established.Nevertheless, Brasseur's version of a lost continent won some favorable attention. An archaeologist named Augustus Plongeon (1825– 1908) used a similar key to decipher hieroglyphics at one of the first excavations of Mayan sites. He allegedly uncovered a story about two brothers who vied for a queen named Moo (which he connected with Mu). One of the brothers was killed, and the other took power just before a catastrophe struck Mu. Queen Moo fled before the catastrophe. Speculations quickly added that she had reached Egypt, became revered as the goddess Isis, founded Egyptian civilization, and directed the building of the Sphinx.
In the mid-nineteenth century, Charles Darwin's (1809–1882) theory of evolution, Origin of the Species, was published. Although the theory became widely accepted among scientists, it was also extremely controversial. One point of contention concerned an animal and layers of sediment found in South Africa, the island of Madagascar, and India—all of which are in the same region but separated by expanses of water. The lemur, a predecessor of monkeys, had the same traits in each locale. According to Darwin's theory, the animal should have developed some unique traits respective to the different environments. Similarities in sediments in each of the areas also raised questions. Scientists began to speculate that a land bridge once existed in the Indian Ocean that connected the three areas.
English zoologist Phillip L. Schlater proposed the name Lemuria after the lemur for this former land now sunk in the Indian Ocean. The land bridge idea was supported by noted scientists, including German naturalist Heinrich Haeckel (1834–1919) and Alfred Russell Wallace (1823–1913), who had developed a theory of evolution similar to Darwin's. Seas and continents were thought to be immobile in those days before the theory of continental drift, and no fossils of early humans had yet been found. Haeckel used Lemuria, which had sunk into the sea, to explain the absence of early human fossils. Lemuria became a respected term among educated people in Europe and America.
In the 1880s, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891) formed the Theosophical Society with psychic investigator Henry Steel Olcott. In her book The Secret Doctrine (1888), she claimed to have learned of Lemuria in The Book of Dzyan, which she said was composed in Atlantis and shown to her by survivors of that lost continent. Her source may have been Sanskrit legends that tell of the former continent of Rutas that sank beneath the sea.||,6.htm
||One major product of continental drift is the Pacific Ocean, on the bed of which is supposed to be the remains of Mu, which originally stretched from north of Hawaii to Polynesia and the strange Easter Island in the South Pacific. Perhaps the most definitive work on Mu was the book, The Lost Continent of Mu, written by James Churchward and was first published in 1926 - a book, incidentally, which is invariably referred to by other Mu-minded writers. Churchward, who had served with the British Army in India, claimed that his main source of information about Mu came from the inscribed `Naacal tablets' which were shown to him and translated by a Hindu temple priest. There were only two sets of these tablets (in the shape of flattened human figures) - the set which he saw in India and another in Mexico, discovered by a colleague, William Niven, an American engineer to whom Churchward dedicated his book.||